Healing the Gynecological System with Herbs

In recent decades, women throughout the world have turned to traditional medicine to balance hormonal function and to treat common female health issues.

Medicinal plants have been used since ancient times as a natural solution for common gynecological issues. These herbs have a beneficial effect on the complete female reproductive system, including a woman’s libido. Traditional medicine uses these herbs to improve the chances of conceiving as part of treatment for fertility challenges, to treat hormonal imbalance, and to help regulate the menstrual cycle.

According to holistic medicine, our bodies have self-healing mechanisms. The cells of the body contain all the knowledge necessary for toxin removal, energy production, and tissue regeneration.

The female reproductive system is considered a physical and energetic system that responds to environmental conditions and is affected by nutrition, sleep, stress levels, and emotions. Any type of stress or imbalance may affect the normal functioning of this system, and may manifest itself in symptoms ranging from period pain to fertility challenges. Sometimes, it may be enough to reduce stress levels in order to activate the built-in potential of internal health. Other times, herbal formulas may be used to gently restore the body’s balance.

Although it is not certain that natural treatment for fertility challenges will always

 be successful, herbal remedies can still contribute a lot to a woman’s general health and, most importantly, build the foundations for a normal and balanced functioning of the reproductive system.  Natural holistic practitioners have reported many therapeutic successes in diverse fertility challenges.

Fertility challenges

Difficulty conceiving can be related to countless complex factors: biological, nutritional, environmental, emotional and more. The process of diagnosing a fertility problem can be so complex, that it can also cause additional emotional tensions.

There are many physical causes of fertility difficulty, including: hormone imbalance, gynecological issues due to scar tissue in the reproductive system, endometriosis, polycystic ovaries, antibody production against sperm, various sexual diseases, or inadequate or excessive body weight.  Yet, in 10–30% of cases, the cause of the fertility challenges are unknown.

  • Why use natural remedies for fertility challenges?

The main goal of natural treatment is to improve the general health of the woman and thereby heal the cause or specific difficulty.

In the world of traditional medicine, plant extracts have shown significant success in helping couples trying to get pregnant.  In Chinese, Indian and Western herbal medicine, these herbal formulas contain extensive complexes of herbal active ingredients that work together in synergy have also been used with much success.

In the last decades, studies have shown that diverse plant components may contribute to the regulation of female hormonal levels, promote regular ovulation, improve blood flow to the reproductive organs, and may also improve the ovarian reserve.

Professional literature regarding traditional herbal medicine discusses the different categories of herbs that support fertility.  Although there may be overlaps between categories, each category serves a different purpose in nourishing the female reproductive system. This is why herbal formulas contain different plant extracts from several categories, so they work to restore the balance of the female system.

Herbal plants are divided into categories as follows:

  • Nutritious “blood-building” plants – such as Chinese angelica
  • Plants that support hormonal balance – such as Abraham’s Bush, Black Cohosh, Maca, and Tribulus Terrestris
  • Plants that increase blood flow to the pelvis and reproductive organs – such as Chinese Angelica, Cinnamon, and Rosemary
  • Plants that promote a sense of calm
  • ‘Tonic’ – plants that provide a nourishing and supportive effect to the organs of the female reproductive system.

Herbal medicine approaches that support common issues of the female reproductive system.

The general information provided below regarding medicinal plants for fertility is based on traditional herbal medicine, as represented in professional literature. It does not replace consultation with your health practitioner or personalized medical treatment.

  • Low Estrogen Levels

Low estrogen levels may be linked to low body weight, vitamin A deficiency, extensive use of antibiotics (which destroy the friendly bacteria in the  gut, which are important for estrogen circulation), excessive physical activity and/or smoking.

Increasing the consumption of legumes containing phytoestrogens (plant estrogens), specifically soy, may increase estrogen levels in the body.

  1. Which herbs have an effect on female hormonal levels? Tribulus terrestris, Red Clover, American Ginseng, Wild Sweet Potato, Glycyrrhiza, and more. (Note: these herbs do not contain human hormones, yet they affect the body’s production of hormones.)
  • Low Progesterone Levels

Low progesterone levels are linked to a shorter ovulation phase and may even prevent the ovarian follicle from maturing and releasing an egg.

  1. Abraham’s Bush is commonly used in traditional medicine to balance progesterone levels. It is usually taken on a daily basis as a liquid extract (tincture) or in capsule/tablet form. Abraham’s Bush may be combined with other blood-building or blood stimulating herbs (such as Chinese Angelica) to support normal ovulation.
  2. According to naturopathy, White Paonia (a Chinese plant), may also lengthen the ovulation phase.
  • Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a chronic inflammatory condition that affects fertility. Herbalists in Israel and around the world have reported success helping patients with endometriosis by combining hormone balancing herbs with ‘blood movers’ and antioxidants..

  1. Abraham’s Bush is considered the main herb to be used in the treatment of endometriosis. It is often combined with ‘blood movers’ such as Chinese Angelica, Rosemary or Cinnamon and powerful antioxidants such as Black Elder, Rosemary, Chinese Angelica, Cinnamon and Green Tea. Antioxidant oils  such as Pomegranate Seed Oil or Evening Primrose Oil may be added to the herbal formula, alongside immune-regulating plants such as black elderberry.
  • Polycystic Ovaries

Polycystic ovaries is a condition in which cysts on the ovaries cause irregular ovulation or the absence of ovulation, thereby causing fertility difficulties.

  1. Traditional medicine combines Abraham’s Bush and Tribulus Terrestris to help regulate ovulation.
  2. Naturopathy also recommends incorporating essential fatty acids into the diet to help balance blood sugar levels and reduce excess weight.
  • Immune Response to Sperm Cells

A negative immune response to sperm cells is becoming more recognized as a cause of fertility difficulties.

  1. A combination of plants that boost immunity, such a Black Elder, Calendula, and Astragalus, are recommended when there is a suspicion of a negative immune response.

Healthy Nutrition

The importance of healthy nutrition is emphasized during pregnancy. Yet, its importance for promoting a healthy conception hardly gets the attention it deserves. Optimal nutrition before trying to conceive can increase the chances of success for both men and women, and may even contribute to the health of the baby.

In naturopathy, optimal fertility begins with an excellent diet – one that is based on whole, natural foods and includes whole grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables, a small amount of fish and a limited amount of chicken and dairy products. Healthy oils, such as olive oil, pumpkin seed oil and pomegranate seed oil are recommended, alongside good sources of essential fatty acids such as chia seeds, flax seeds and North sea fish (salmon).  It is important that the diet contains adequate amounts of vitamin A (beta carotene), vitamin B complex, vitamin D, vitamin E, folic acid, zinc, magnesium, and potassium. Processed foods, sweets, alcohol, caffeine and smoking should be avoided.

How long does it take to begin seeing results when using natural treatment?

Treating fertility challenges naturally is a process that involves balancing the female reproductive system. This process typically takes between 3–4 months, but can take up to 6 months.

At the beginning of treatment, a woman may experience a worsening of symptoms or changes in the menstrual cycle and its regularity. This is a natural phenomenon which indicates that the female system is in the process of balancing (as described in traditional professional literature).

Traditional herbal medicine describes herbs as giving the body a ‘push’ to start the self-balancing process of the female system. After starting the third or fourth cycle of treatment, women usually report that they feel a change in their body that indicates that their system has entered a regular and balanced rhythm. This rhythm is described in professional literature as a ‘self-balancing or self-correcting mechanism’.

Disclaimer: Medicinal plants are not drugs. The purpose of this article is to provide a  general overview of approaches in complementary medicine and the information provided does not constitute a qualified medical recommendation. This article is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Always contact your health practitioner before starting any nutritional supplement programs.

[1] Volume 16, No 61, 2017 Journal of Medicinal Plants

[2] A. Botanical Medicine for Women’s Health (2010) Churchill Livingstone

[3] https://www.ncbi.nln.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4812125/

[4] https://www.ncbi.nln.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5597078/

[5] Romm., A. Botanical Medicine for Women’s Health (2010) Churchill Livingstone

[6] Mills, S., Bone, K. Principles and practice of Phytotherapy (2013) Churchill Livingstone

[7] Romm., A. Botanical Medicine for Women’s Health (2010) Churchill Livingstone

[8] Mills, S., Bone, K. Principles and practice of Phytotherapy (2013) Churchill Livingstone

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