Healing PCOS with Herbs

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition where the woman’s body produces an excessively high level of male sex hormones (called androgens), thereby causing cysts to form around the ovaries.

Although PCOS is a very common gynecological problem, research shows that about 70% of women with polycystic ovaries are not aware of this issue and will often be diagnosed with difficulty getting pregnant.

In a normal state, the ovaries produce the female hormones estrogen and progesterone along with a small amount of androgens. However, women with polycystic ovaries have a hormonal imbalance – which causes an increased production of male hormones (androgens), an increase in the ratio of FSH:LH hormones (a ratio of 2:1 respectively), a low progesterone level and an increase in the secretion of the hormone insulin, against a background of ‘insulin resistance’.

The hormonal imbalance caused by PCOS causes the irregularity or absence of ovulation, irregular periods and little or no menstruation. Women with PCOS find it difficult to get pregnant and may also suffer from obesity in the lower abdomen area, hair loss in the forehead and sides of the head, acne and excess body fat.

Treating PCOS with traditional herbal medicine

The natural treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome focuses on medicinal plants that have a centuries-old tradition of treating hormonal problems. These plants fall into 3 main categories:

  1. Herbs that promote hormonal balance
  2. Herbs that balance blood sugar levels
  3. Adaptogens – Herbs that support a person’s ability to adapt to physical and mental stress situations

Herbalists (complementary medicine practitioners who specialize in the treatment of medicinal plants) will formulate a combination of herbs that fall within these three categories in order to help the female hormonal system regulate itself and return to normal function.

In this way, the body slowly returns to balance naturally, with normal ovulation and regular cycles, weight loss, normal hair growth, and more.

Which herbs are used to treat polycystic ovaries?

Abraham’s Bush (Vitex)

Abraham’s Bush is among the most well-known plants in Western herbal medicine for the treatment of gynecological problems. Although scientific research on it is still limited, Abraham’s Bush has been used to assist with hormonal balance, to regulate ovulation, and improve fertility. Abraham’s Bush has also been shown to balance high prolactin levels and promote the secretion of the hormone progesterone, especially in women with polycystic ovaries. It is used to regulate the menstrual cycle, relieve symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and period pains, and to increase milk production in lactating women.

  1. In a placebo-controlled clinical study, 96 women with various fertility problems (including infertility due to lack of menstruation, infertility due to insufficiency of the corpus luteum or a fertility problem for which no medical cause was found) were given Abraham’s Bush’s extract. Researchers concluded that taking Abraham’s Bush’s extract for a period of 3–6 months can help women with infertility due to the absence of menstruation or insufficiency of the corpus luteum and contribute to the regulation of ovulation and the menstrual cycle.
  2. In a clinical study, researchers determined that Abraham’s Bush’s extract improved hormonal indicators and the rates of getting pregnant in women with infertility due to the absence of or lack of menstruation.
  3. In a clinical study, 39 out of 45 women with fertility challenges due to low progesterone levels managed to get pregnant after 3 months of taking Abraham’s Bush’s extract.
  4. In another study, 80% of women suffering from high prolactin levels, taking Abraham’s Bush’s extract for just one month contributed to a decrease in the prolactin hormone levels in the blood. (High prolactin levels may interfere with normal ovulation.)

Tribulus Terrestris (Puncture Vine)

In recent years, Tribulus Terrestris has been proven to be effective in treating fertility problems and in balancing menopausal symptoms in women. It also increases libido in women and men.

In traditional herbal medicine, Tribulus Terrestris is used to support fertility – for both women and men. It is also commonly used to increase energy and vitality levels.

Scientific research has been successful in identifying the active components of tribulus that help treat fertility problems. The main active component is called Protodioscine –  which binds to estrogen receptors and gently stimulates them to secrete the hormone.

  1. In a comprehensive scientific article, a number of clinical studies proved that taking Tribulus extract helped regulate ovulation and promoted a regular cycle in women with fertility problems:
  2. Taking Tribulus extract contributed to an increase in FSH and estradiol (a derivative of estrogen) values.
  3. Taking Tribulus extract from the 5th to the 14th day of the menstrual cycle for a period of 3 months improved fertility. 6% of the 36 participants became pregnant as a result of regular ovulation and 61% of women reported regular ovulation.

Note: a subgroup of the participants took Tribulus together with Epimestrol – a medicine used to stimulate ovulation. Of these, 39% became pregnant. The results of the study showed an improvement in fertility when the drug to stimulate ovulation was taken at the same time as tribulus extract, as compared to taking the drug without Tribulus extract.

  1. Clinical studies have shown that the active component Protodioscine is converted to the hormone DHEA by the body, thereby affecting libido.
  2. Researchers have found that Tribulus extract affects enzymes that participate in the energy production processes in the body. Tribulus contributes to an increased production of proteins, an increase in muscle mass, and also improves the absorption of the mineral iron in the digestive system – all of which increase the feeling of energy and vitality in the body.

Chinese Angelica

Known in traditional herbal medicine as the ‘female ginseng’, Chinese Angelica is an important and central plant for balancing and strengthening the function of the female hormonal system. It is often used to treat various problems related to the female reproductive system, such as irregular, scanty or absence of menstruation, premenstrual syndrome, polycystic ovaries and endometriosis. Angelica is considered a plant that “moves blood” and improves its flow to the pelvic organs.

  1. Studies have shown that Angelica has a weak estrogenic effect and has a beneficial effect on uterine tone.
  2. In a comprehensive research review from 2015, the effect of Chinese herbs – including the Chinese Angelica – as a treatment for female infertility was examined in terms of the percentage of pregnancies achieved, as compared to treatment with conventional drugs to achieve pregnancy.

Researchers reviewed 40 clinical studies involving 4,247 women with infertility.

The results indicated that taking Chinese herbs for 3–6 months resulted in an almost 2 times higher chance of achieving pregnancy, as compared to conventional drug treatment, among women struggling with fertility (including infertility due to polycystic ovaries).

The researchers also noted taking Chinese herbs also affected fertility indicators such as: ovulation rates, thickening of thin uterine tissue and more.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential for regulating the hormonal system and reducing insulin resistance. Studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency is common among women with polycystic ovaries, and that taking a vitamin D supplement may contribute to improving irregular periods and ovulation.

  • In 2020,  a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study researched the effect of taking vitamin D on the indices of excess male hormones (androgens) among obese women. Participants included women between the ages 18-49 who were diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome and were found to have a vitamin D deficiency in their blood. The treatment group received 50,000 IU of vitamin D3 every week, and the other group received a placebo.

After 12 weeks of treatment with vitamin D3, the testosterone levels in the blood, the parathyroid gland hormone and as the excess rate index decreased significantly – while the levels of vitamin D, of phosphorus and of the protein SHBG increased significantly. (The SHBG protein is a carrier protein that binds the male sex hormones to it in the blood. Binding to it makes the hormones unavailable for use by the body, thereby decreasing the symptoms associated with high/excess hormone levels.)

Significant changes were also observed in the ovarian volume, the number and size of the follicles and in the regularity of the menstrual cycle.

Researchers concluded that taking a vitamin D3 supplement contributes to improving the levels of vitamin D in the body (in its stored form), and to improving hyperthyroidism indicators and male hormone levels. The findings also indicate an increase in fertility indices and an improvement in gynecological health indices among obese women diagnosed with polycystic ovaries. The addition of vitamin D3 should be considered as a treatment for these patients.

Disclaimer: Medicinal plants are not drugs. The purpose of this article is to provide a  general overview of approaches in complementary medicine and the information provided does not constitute a qualified medical recommendation. This article is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Always contact your health practitioner before starting any nutritional supplement programs.

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